Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Surround yourself with beauty!

Lately I have been reflecting on all the beautiful things that surround me.. from my desk, my jewelry, my kitties to my family and my hubby Kenny... I am a lucky girl. I am grateful for so many things as well.

I dont do it enough but sometimes I am taken aback and stopped in my tracks and realize that I may have less than others, but I have more than most, and I think I have it where it counts.. The love of my family and friends.. The great friends from all over the world that I get to chat fashion with daily! And the love of the greatest man I could ever even describe.. 

I'll admit, I'm a slave to things at times... I wouldnt mind having a vintage Chanel or some sky high Louboutins.. But when I go to sleep at night, its just me, my little family and my dreams... :-) And lately they have been peaceful

Thank you to everyone who supports/follows/comments/calls/appreciates/laughs with and cares! 2012 has been a great year so far!

Today there are just a few pictures of the beautiful things in my everyday life :-) P.S. I'm trying to focus more on my blog so please keep following :-)


p.p.s Please keep an eye out for a feature on my jewelry at


1 comment:

  1. love the pale blue cup set
