Saturday, March 10, 2012

Planning some home improvements!

  I dont know why but one of my very very favorite things to do is walk around stores with my hubby! Like seriously, we have the best time hanging out at Target or Lowes! Anywho Saturday we enjoyed a nice little trip to Barnes and Nobles where we wandered aimlessly through the books enjoying our late Starbucks fix.. Then we took a little walk over to Lowes and picked so paint swatches so Kenny can try out some knew techniques (He's a painter) on our walls at home.. Dont worry he's a pro and I trust him! lol Plus we are thinking about starting our own little mini herb garden on our porch which is looking to be a lot less expensive than I expected it to be which is always a plus! 

Today was nice and calm, relaxed all through the early afternoon in bed with Kenny and the kitties sleeping and read my entire book (Its an easy read so dont be too impressed) lol

I decided to go to Barnes and Noble again and check the price on another book that I've wanted to check out called Divergent "9.99!?" I said... "SOLD" 

After treating Kenny to a McDonlads dinner he took down his big mac while I dipped my delicious french fries in a Strawberry shake.. like mother like daughter! 

Now my night is wrapping up with Desperate Housewives (SO good tonight) and finishing up some other things so I'm ready to start another week! 

Glad you could stop by and visit my blog, trying to decide on a project to do as a DIY video! I became inspired by all the books in the Crafts section at B&N lol..

Talk to you guys soon! xoxo


  1. Really nice colors Sarah :-) i'm going to start the book too, now i'm more curious after you posted it, i just wish i had it in paper and not in my pc :-/

  2. Sounds lovely! I'm excited to see how the pain turns out :)
